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September 29, 2008 - 3:00 pm


I think it’s pretty safe to say that nothing looks hotter on a woman than a sexy pair of boots. It’s also safe to say that nothing makes your feet burn/ache/make you want to cry more than a sexy pair of boots. Which is why we have flats, thankyouverymuch.

So, can we talk for a moment about Victoria Beckham’s most recent sexy boot purchase? As if they couldn’t get even more uncomfortable, Posh went and had a pair of boots especially designed for her…without a heel.

How does she walk? Why would anyone want a pair of shoes with no heel? Does the lack of heel make her look hotter? And beyond the whole heel sitch, don’t these things look more like latex pants than a pair of boots?

Silly me; I thought the only woman who could walk around on her tip toes all day was Barbie and her permanently molded-for-high-heels feet. I should have known that if anyone would be a real-life Barbie, it would be Posh Spice.



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