1. Hayden Panettiere
Honestly, Hayden Panettiere was never really on our beauty radar until she starred in the hit show 'Heroes.' Now, we just don't know what we would do without her. She is sweet, feminine, youthful and ... flawless. We're convinced she could stop traffic with her beauty alone. She is, without a doubt, our number one choice.
2. David Beckham
Either you're with us or against us on this one, but we think all the ladies will agree that David Beckham is a beautiful man. Not only does he have mad soccer skills, but his skills with ladies aren't too shabby either. He is a father of three and does a tremendous amount of charity work. We don't even mind that David is obsessive-compulsive. He still tops our list!
3. Carrie Underwood
Carrie Underwood amazes us in so many ways. Not only is she beautiful with her long blonde locks and perfect smile, but she has the most soothing voice. She won our hearts on 'American Idol' and after seeing footage of her in South Africa singing 'I'll Stand By You,' we knew she had to be on the top of our list. She's beautiful both inside and out.
4. Tom Welling
If you don't think Superman is beautiful, then you just aren't American. OK, maybe that's too harsh, but we love us some Superman. Tom Welling plays Clark Kent on 'Smallville.' His masculine jawline and piercing baby-blue eyes are amazing. He is tall, dark and handsome and can rescue us from danger any day. Um, and have you seen his abs? Exactly.
5. Rihanna
We can hardly believe this beauty isn't even 20 years old yet. She is already such an accomplished music artist with mature and powerful lyrics. Rihanna hails from from Barbados and her flawless caramel-colored skin is proof of it. We love her exotic features that are electrified by her hazel eyes. She is beautiful and she has her whole career ahead of her.
6. Justin Timberlake
There's no denying that Justin Timberlake is an entertainment icon. He's done it all from the boy band to movie roles. We love his sultry voice and sexy dance moves. He is a baby-faced babe with deep blue eyes and a smile that can light up a room. He is quite the ladies man and we are convinced that if he met us, we could win his heart.
7. Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson is already an established actress and she is only in her early twenties. She is smart, down-to-earth and absolutely gorgeous. From her porcelain skin to her enchanting eyes ... she makes us melt. She has a distinct look and we will continue cheering her on as her career blossoms.
8. Brad Pitt
Oh, Brad. What can we say? The guy is HOT and even the way he talks makes us want to make out with our TV. From his baby-blue eyes to his masculine face, Brad Pitt is amazingly handsome. We were a little bitter after the whole Jennifer Aniston breakup, but it does not change the fact that he is HOT.
9. Angelina Jolie
It doesn't get much sexier than those pouty lips. Angelina Jolie has a unique face with a strong jawline, large lips and deep blue eyes. We haven't always been a huge fan of her choice in men, but she and Brad Pitt are pretty well matched. We love that she is so charitable and has room in her heart for children in need.
10. Matthew McConaughey
Matthew McConaughey is constantly on the sexiest man alive and most eligible bachelor lists. How can you argue with that? He takes great care of his body, and has a smile that can light up a room, curly blonde locks and eyes that can make you melt. He is perfect and definitely one of the most beautiful celebrities.
11. Gwen Stefani
Gwen Stefani amazes us. She started out with the band No Doubt and then went solo. Not only does she have an amazing voie, but also an incredibly unique fashion sense. Because of this, she was able to start her very successful fashion line called L.A.M.B. We wish our Mom would dress this cool. (No offense, Mom.)
12. Orlando Bloom
Could we really do a 20 Most Beautiful gallery and NOT include Orlando Bloom? Yeah, our point exactly! It doesn't matter whether he plays a blonde-haired elf or a pirate that hasn't showered for weeks ... he's beautiful. We love his squared jawline and soft chocolate brown eyes. He has such a sweet face and we want to see more of it on the big screen.
13: Beyonce Knowles
Having a 'Bootylicious' bod is one way to make our list, but aside from that, Beyonce Knowles is incredibly beautiful and talented. She has a tremendous amount of confidence and was able go solo after being with Destiny's Child for years. We love her recent movie roles and hope that she does more. Her soft face, beautiful smile and powerful voice keep us captivated.
14. Pete Wentz
You gotta love a guy who can look this beautiful while wearing eyeliner. Not only does he have an amazing voice when rockin' out with his band, Fall Out Boy, but Pete Wentz also writes all of the lyrics. He owns a company and has already written a book. This proves that Pete's not just another pretty face. His deep eyes and porcelain skin get us every time.
15. Fergie
How can we not have a girl in our 20 Most Beautiful Celebrities gallery who is both 'Fergalicious' and 'Glamorous'? Our point exactly. Fergie overcame an addiction to crystal meth and is living proof that you can get through a drug addiction. She's a beautiful girl, but her inner strength and confidence make her even more gorgeous.
16. Zac Efron
Just because the boy may not be able to hit the high notes (he was voice-overed in 'High School Musical') doesn't mean he's any less of a pretty, pretty, PRETTY boy. Zac Efron's got this sweet look that just makes you want to duet with him while wearing a basketball uniform. Or maybe that's just us.
17. Mandy Moore
Mandy Moore proves that just because you're the cutest woman alive doesn't mean you can't be crazy-beautiful too. When she gives us a serious expression, we're struck by how perfect she looks ... then she opens her mouth to smile, and we just want to hang out and watch TV. Oh, Mandy ... why won't you return our calls?!
18. Adam Levine
Tall, dark and handsome much, Adam Levine? We're happy to see you wearing that tie in support of your band, Maroon 5. (Get it? A maroon tie ... oh, whatever.) Adam's unique style helps him stand out. But truthfully, it's that voice of his that scored him a spot on our list. Everytime he opens his mouth, we just melt into a puddle of deliciousness.
19. Wentworth Miller
If we ever did have to go to jail, it'd totally be worth it if Wentworth Miller was there. It's not so much his face or his body, both of which are incredible ... no, it's those eyes of his. They pierce us to our very core, and then pierce us a few more times on the way out. Basically, we're saying they're piercing, if that wasn't clear. Pierce!
20. Natalie Portman
Holy hell, she's beautiful. Natalie Portman's got a classic Audrey Hepburn thing going on. Yeah, we know that everyone's compared to Audrey Hepburn now, but there aren't many actresses who could pull off a classy feel in a 'Star Wars' movie, looking completely flawless the entire time.SOURCE
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